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Quickstart -- Capabilities

Capabilities (ERC-5792) is the new standard way for DApps to interact with smart wallets. On a high level, it comes down to two steps:

  • The DApp discovers capabilities of the connected wallet through the wallet_getCapabilities RPC.
  • The DApp uses capabilities through the wallet_sendCalls RPC.

By standardizing smart wallet features such as gas sponsorship, transaction batching, and permissions (session keys), capabilities enable DApps to interact with any smart wallets through standard APIs. This means that:

  • If you are building a DApp, you can write your code once and it will work with any AA wallets, whether it's embedded wallets like ZeroDev or standalone wallets like Coinbase Smart Wallet.

  • If you are building a wallet, you can write your code once and it will work with any AA accounts, whether it's ZeroDev (Kernel) or another smart account.

TLDR: capabilities standardize smart wallet features and thereby improve interoperability between smart wallets, reducing vendor lock-in for developers.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through setting up a ZeroDev embedded wallet in your DApp, and communicate with it through the standard capability API using Viem/Wagmi.

Code Example

Use this example repo as a reference as you go through this tutorial.

Create an embedded Passkey Wallet

ZeroDev has created a number of Wagmi connectors that speak the capabilities API. In this tutorial, we will use the passkey connector. You can find other connectors here.

1. Create a Wagmi project with Next.js:

In this tutorial, we will be using Next.js. Start by creating a Next.js project:

npx create-next-app@latest

2. Install ZeroDev and dependencies

Install @zerodev/wallet and its dependencies:

npm install @zerodev/wallet viem@latest wagmi @tanstack/react-query

3. Setup a ZeroDev connector

For this tutorial, we will let the user create smart wallets with passkeys.

Create a Wagmi provider and set it up with ZeroDev's passkey connector. You will need to create a project ID from the dashboard, and make sure you are using the right chain object corresponding to your ZeroDev project.

import { passkeyConnector } from '@zerodev/wallet'
import { sepolia } from 'viem/chains'; 
import { http, createConfig } from 'wagmi'
const PROJECT_ID = '98fd43a8-fb2f-4948-a7ae-069f53969f73'
export const config = createConfig({
  chains: [sepolia],
  connectors: [
    passkeyConnector(PROJECT_ID, sepolia, "v3", "zerodev_quickstart")
  transports: {
    []: http(),

Then, create a button for creating the wallet:

import { useConnect, useConnectors } from 'wagmi'
function App() {
  const connectors = useConnectors();
  const { connect, isPending } = useConnect();
  return (
      onClick={() => {
        connect({ connector: connectors[0] })
      {isPending ? 'Connecting...' : 'Create Smart Account'}

4. Send sponsored & batched transactions

Now let's try using two capabilities together: gas sponsorship and batching. We will send a batch of two transactions, and sponsor gas for them:

import { parseAbi } from 'viem'
import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'
import { useWriteContracts } from 'wagmi/experimental';
const PROJECT_ID = '98fd43a8-fb2f-4948-a7ae-069f53969f73'
const tokenAddress = "0x3870419Ba2BBf0127060bCB37f69A1b1C090992B"
const abi = parseAbi(["function mint(address _to, uint256 amount) public"])
const paymasterUrl = `${PROJECT_ID}`
function App() {
  const { address } = useAccount()
  const { data, writeContracts, isPending } = useWriteContracts();
  return (
    /* ...Create & Get Smart Account */
        onClick={() => {
            contracts: [
                address: tokenAddress,
                abi: abi,
                functionName: "mint",
                args: [address, 1],
                value: BigInt(0),
                address: tokenAddress,
                abi: abi,
                functionName: "mint",
                args: [address, 1],
                value: BigInt(0),
            capabilities: {
              paymasterService: {
                url: paymasterUrl
        {isPending ? 'Minting...' : 'Mint'}
      {data && <p>{`UserOp Hash: ${data}`}</p>}

Next Steps

Congrats -- you just sent your first gasless transaction with ZeroDev, through the standard capability API!

In this example, you used a public ZeroDev API key. Now learn how to set up your own ZeroDev project. Then browse the ZeroDev features using the sidebar and see what you'd like to use!