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Run code when creating an account

Sometimes, you might want to execute some custom code when you create an account. One common use case is when you want to emit an event whenever a user creates an account.

Running custom code during initialization can be done via plugins. Specifically you can follow this process:

  • Write a custom validator that executes your custom code during initialization.
  • Install the validator to your account during account initialization.

Developing a custom validator

Kernel implements the ERC-7579 interface, so you can write a 7579 validator.

Here's an example of a validator that simply emits an event. Note that the onInstall function accepts an initialization data, which you can use to run customized code per account.

Once you have developed the custom validator, deploy it using CREATE2 so that it has the same address across all chains.

Install the validator

Once you have deployed the validator, the easiest way to install it is like this:

const account = await createKernelAccount(publicClient, {
  plugins: {
    sudo: ecdsaValidator,
  pluginMigrations: [ 
      // This is the deployed validator address 
      address: "0x43C757131417c5a245a99c4D5B7722ec20Cb0b31", 
      // this is the data passed to `onInstall` 
      data: "0x",  

Now, your validator's onInstall function will run whenever an account is created.