Use Particle Network with ZeroDev
Particle Network is an intent-centric, modular wallet-as-a-service (WaaS). By utilizing MPC-TSS for key management, Particle can streamline onboarding via familiar Web2 methods such as Google, emails, and phone numbers.
By combining ZeroDev with Particle, you can use Particle to enable a smooth social login experience, while using ZeroDev as the smart wallet to sponsor gas for users, batch transactions, and more.
Set up
To use Particle Network with ZeroDev, first create an application that integrates with Particle Network.
- Refer to the Particle Network documentation site for instructions on setting up an application with the Particle Network.
- For a quick start, Particle Network provides a guide, available here.
Integrating ZeroDev with Particle Network is straightforward after setting up the project. Particle Network provides an Externally Owned Account (EOA) wallet to use as a signer with Kernel.
Create the Particle Network object
After following the Particle Network documentation, you will have access to a ParticleProvider
object as shown below:
import { ParticleNetwork } from "@particle-network/auth";
import { ParticleProvider } from "@particle-network/provider";
// Param options here will be specific to your project. See the Particle docs for more info.
const particle = new ParticleNetwork({
const particleProvider = new ParticleProvider(particle.auth)
Use with ZeroDev
Use the provider from Particle Network to create a smart account signer, which can be passed to a validator. For detailed guidance on using a validator, refer to our documentation on creating accounts.
import { signerToEcdsaValidator } from "@zerodev/ecdsa-validator"
import { KERNEL_V3_1, getEntryPoint } from "@zerodev/sdk/constants"
import { createPublicClient } from "viem";
import { polygonAmoy } from 'viem/chains';
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
// Use your own RPC provider (e.g. Infura/Alchemy).
transport: http(''),
chain: polygonAmoy,
// Pass your `particleProvider` to the validator
const ecdsaValidator = await signerToEcdsaValidator(publicClient, {
signer: particleProvider,
entryPoint: getEntryPoint("0.7"),
kernelVersion: KERNEL_V3_1
// You can now use this ECDSA Validator to create a Kernel account