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Rate Limit Policy

The rate limit policy specifies the frequency at which the signer is allowed to send UserOps.


import { toRateLimitPolicy } from "@zerodev/permissions/policies"
// In this example, the signer can send one UserOp per month
const rateLimitPolicy = toRateLimitPolicy({
  count: 1,
  interval: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,  // one month in seconds
const validator = toPermissionValidator(publicClient, {
  signer: someSigner,
  policies: [
    // ...other policies

Arguments to toRateLimitPolicy:

  • count: the number of times the signer can send UserOps in the given internal.
  • (optional) interval: the length of the interval, in seconds.
    • If not specified, then the interval is infinite, which means that you can use count to specify the number of times the signer can send UserOps in total.
  • (optional) startAt: the starting UNIX timestamp for when the rate limit should take effect. Before that, the signer cannot send any UserOps.